If you've landed at this page as a result of a completed donation to TGW, thank you. Your contribution will help defray the monthly expense of hosting TGW's server.
If you arrived here through a random search and wish to make a donation, the page you're looking for is here.
If you would like to be credited as a donor, use the "Leave a Comment" link at the bottom of the page, and let me know how you'd like your name to appear on the donor/sponsor list. Please make sure to provide your email address (so I can reply to you) and the approximate date and amount of your donation (which should help me find the info in Paypal). For the record, I reserve the right to ignore requests such as, "I donated a cent, please list my Viagra/porn/anti-gun website as a donor!"
At present, given that there are no donors or sponsors, I haven't bothered to create such a page, so there's no real example of what it would look like.
-- SeanNewton - 09 Jul 2009