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Revision Military's NERV Center Power Pack

Revision Military, best known for their Revision eyewear, has an interesting man-portable modular rechargeable power system.

The NERV consists of a main unit, a smaller auxiliary battery which can be connected in series to the main unit.

Interestingly, the smaller batteries are designed to fit into a STANAG magazine pouch.

Power Storage

SharePack's capacity is 150Wh, and the SoloPack's capacity is 100Wh

Concerns with Lithium Cells

A potential concern with the NERV is that it's a lithium battery technology, strapped a warfighter's vest. One must remember that warfighters are also walking around with grenades strapped to them too, so this isn't a particularly worrying issue.

-- Sean Newton - 15 Nov 2016

Topic revision: r1 - 15 Nov 2016 - SeanNewton
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