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This is the text of the CPC ranges 25500-25595, as mirrored from on 5/17/2012.

Note that this appears to replace CPC 12026.1 and CPC 12026.2

25505.  In order for a firearm to be exempted under this article,
while being transported to or from a place, the firearm shall be
unloaded and kept in a locked container, and the course of travel
shall include only those deviations between authorized locations as
are reasonably necessary under the circumstances.

25510.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, any of the
   (a) The possession of a firearm by an authorized participant in a
motion picture, television, or video production, or an entertainment
event, when the participant lawfully uses the firearm as part of that
production or event, or while going directly to, or coming directly
from, that production or event.
   (b) The transportation of a firearm by an authorized employee or
agent of a supplier of firearms when going directly to, or coming
directly from, a motion picture, television, or video production, or
an entertainment event, for the purpose of providing that firearm to
an authorized participant to lawfully use as a part of that
production or event.

25515.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the possession
of a firearm in a locked container by a member of any club or
organization, organized for the purpose of lawfully collecting and
lawfully displaying pistols, revolvers, or other firearms, while the
member is at a meeting of the club or organization or while going
directly to, and coming directly from, a meeting of the club or

25520.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a participant when going directly to,
or coming directly from, a recognized safety or hunter safety class,
or a recognized sporting event involving that firearm.

25525.  (a) Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by any citizen of the United States or
legal resident over the age of 18 years who resides or is temporarily
within this state, and who is not within the excepted classes
prescribed by Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 29800) or Chapter 3
(commencing with Section 29900) of Division 9 of this title, or
Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, directly
between any of the following places:
   (1) The person's place of residence.
   (2) The person's place of business.
   (3) Private property owned or lawfully possessed by the person.
   (b) Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the transportation
of a firearm by a person listed in subdivision (a) when going
directly from the place where that person lawfully received that
firearm to that person's place of residence or place of business or
to private property owned or lawfully possessed by that person.

25530.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person when going directly to, or
coming directly from, a fixed place of business or private
residential property for the purpose of the lawful repair or the
lawful sale, loan, or transfer of that firearm.

25535.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, any of the
   (a) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a gun show, swap meet, or
similar event to which the public is invited, for the purpose of
displaying that firearm in a lawful manner.
   (b) The transportation of a firearm by a person when going
directly to, or coming directly from, a gun show or event, as defined
in Section 478.100 of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
for the purpose of lawfully transferring, selling, or loaning that
firearm in accordance with Section 27545.

25540.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person when going directly to, or
coming directly from, a target range, which holds a regulatory or
business license, for the purposes of practicing shooting at targets
with that firearm at that target range.

25545.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person when going directly to, or
coming directly from, a place designated by a person authorized to
issue licenses pursuant to Section 26150, 26155, 26170, or 26215,
when done at the request of the issuing agency so that the issuing
agency can determine whether or not a license should be issued to
that person to carry that firearm.

25550.  (a) Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person when going directly to, or
coming directly from, a lawful camping activity for the purpose of
having that firearm available for lawful personal protection while at
the lawful campsite.
   (b) This section shall not be construed to override the statutory
authority granted to the Department of Parks and Recreation or any
other state or local governmental agencies to promulgate rules and
regulations governing the administration of parks and campgrounds.

25555.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person in order to comply with
Section 27870, 27875, 27915, 27920, or 27925, as it pertains to that

25560.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person in order to utilize Section
28000 as it pertains to that firearm.

25565.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person in order to sell, deliver, or
transfer the firearm as specified in Section 27850 or 31725 to an
authorized representative of a city, city and county, county, or
state or federal government that is acquiring the weapon as part of
an authorized, voluntary program in which the entity is buying or
receiving weapons from private individuals.

25570.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, any of the
   (a) The transportation of a firearm by a person who finds the
firearm, if the person is transporting the firearm in order to comply
with Article 1 (commencing with Section 2080) of Chapter 4 of
Division 3 of the Civil Code as it pertains to that firearm, and, if
the person is transporting the firearm to a law enforcement agency,
the person gives prior notice to the law enforcement agency that the
person is transporting the firearm to the law enforcement agency.
   (b) The transportation of a firearm by a person who finds the
firearm and is transporting it to a law enforcement agency for
disposition according to law, if the person gives prior notice to the
law enforcement agency that the person is transporting the firearm
to the law enforcement agency for disposition according to law.

25575.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person in order to comply with
Section 27560 as it pertains to that firearm.

25580.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm that is a curio or relic, as defined in
Section 478.11 of Title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations, by a
person in order to comply with Section 27565 as it pertains to that

25585.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person for the purpose of obtaining
an identification number or mark assigned to that firearm from the
Department of Justice pursuant to Section 23910.

25590.  Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, the
transportation of a firearm by a person if done directly between any
of the places set forth below:
   (a) A place where the person may carry that firearm pursuant to an
exemption from the prohibition set forth in subdivision (a) of
Section 25400.
   (b) A place where that person may carry that firearm pursuant to
an exemption from the prohibition set forth in subdivision (a) of
Section 25850, or a place where the prohibition set forth in
subdivision (a) of Section 25850 does not apply.
   (c) A place where that person may carry a firearm pursuant to an
exemption from the prohibition set forth in subdivision (a) of
Section 26350, or a place where the prohibition set forth in
subdivision (a) of Section 26350 does not apply.

25595.  This article does not prohibit or limit the otherwise lawful
carrying or transportation of any handgun in accordance with the
provisions listed in Section 16580.
-- SeanNewton - 17 May 2012

Topic revision: r1 - 17 May 2012 - SeanNewton
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