For convenience when citing in articles, I have decided to mirror the text of various laws, government publications, and case transcripts which are cited in Gunwiki articles. This web is only writeable by Gunwiki administrators, as there is no good reason for the average person off the street to be able to EDIT any of this material. One may argue that there is also no reason for a Gunwiki administrator to be able to mirror it, but the simple fact is that laws are frequently difficult to maintain links to.
This will make article citations MUCH easier, because writers will only have to link to a section of law ONCE. If the link changes or the law changes, the article in this web can be updated without the need to hunt up all the other citations on Gunwiki.
This site is by NO means providing legal advice, and NO warranty, express or implied, is provided that these mirrored sections of law are in fact accurate or current. The law changes regularly, and this is only a research tool.
Why Mirror?
Locally linked citations mean that if the law changes, it's easy to review all the articles citing that law for continued validity.
Sites change regularly; URLs change and links break. It is not good for the gun community when broken links discourage readers from performing their own legal research.
Some content is prone to vanish. The Bardwel NFA archive is a prime example of this - it seems to have several partial mirrors on the internet, and no primary site, making citations difficult.
Some content primarily gets passed around on message boards. ATF letters, while considered authoritative, are not collated and distributed via any governmental source. The more of these letters which can be pulled into a cohesive archive, the better.
Mirroring Policy
Full attribution. Each mirrored section of law on this site will include a link to its original source, which should be considered more authoritative. Users are encouraged to follow that link instead of relying solely upon the mirrored copy on this site. It is not the intention of this site to interfere with the traffic of other sites.
External linking discouraged. This should not be used as a canonical source of legal information. Folks are welcome to use this site to locate authoritative sites for laws and correspondence, but they should not consider this site authoritative.
No editorial or commentary within the document. The Gunwiki web is for commentary and analysis. This web is solely for the verbatim text of material cited within the Gunwiki web. In some cases, limited summarization is permissible (particularly in instances where only a scanned copy of a letter is available), but this must be kept neutral. Should you notice commentary within a document, please use 'Leave a Comment' to report it!
All mirrors must maintain a timestamp. The timestamp should be the date at which the text was copied from the authoritative site. This is important so that the mirrored copy of the penal code may be updated correctly as laws change.
Federal Law
Title 1 USC 922(r) - prohibiting the importation, assembly, etc of non-sporting firearms
This is being worked on - certain PC sections have been renumbered. Will investigate whether or not prior PC numbers are still relevant, or if only the new PC numbers are relevant.
CPC 16505 - Definition of "encased" as used in CPC 26405, amongst others.